
Posts Tagged ‘freedom’

MOMENT2SMILE, Freedom, st. louis, mo., arch

St. Louis Arch

Any time you feel trapped, remember that there are countless options that you do not see available to you. When we put the blinders up to opportunities because we think things can only happen a certain way, we restrict which direction we are headed in. Your job is only to focus on what it is that you love and use it to serve the greater good. Sure, it is very easy to get weighted down by the details, the hows of it all but guess what that leads to? Yep, a whole lot of doubt and feeling stuck. Doubt that we actually are who we feel we are at our core and stuck because you have convinced yourself that you are not free to create the life that you want. There is no way for you to know how your life is meant to touch others because it is so much bigger then what we are able to comprehend. Please do not put limitations on your purpose.

Just be sure you answer yes to the following questions:

Do you love what you are doing? Do you feel like your gifts are being used to help others? Do you feel enlivened by the whole experience?

If you said YES! YES! YES!, then you already know what I am talking about. If not, then there is an area or maybe multiple areas in your life that need some tweaking. Put your energy into following what it is that you are called to do. Focus on figuring out what those gifts are and when you find them, give them away like mad style. You will find that you love it. The process of using the gift and then giving it away is a rejuvenating one. No worries about having enough to give because you have an unlimited supply that comes naturally to you. You use your gifts to connect with others and better their lives. Everything else falls into place when the timing is right as long as you continue to put the majority(51%) of your focus on the love. So what are we waiting for? It is time to start dreaming bigger dreams people.

Much love (o:

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